Sunday, December 26, 2010

Huge? Well that depends...

I ended up watching Horton Hears A Who! this weekend, well part of it anyway (I hate watching movies on TV, the commercials ruin it for me). Well as I was watching it I was thinking about Whoville being just a tiny spec on a clover and how to all the who's in Whoville this clover probably seemed quite large rather than a tiny spec on a clover. And then I began to wonder if the same could be true of our universe, if maybe we are in a similar sort of situation where maybe we are like a spec on a clover.

This also reminded me of the end of Men in Black where the picture gets farther and farther away from Earth and moves through the whole universe and in the end the entire universe is contained in a marble that some alien is playing with. There is a lot that we don't know about our universe. 

To a marble we humans are giants, but to us we are not giants, the marble is simply small. 

In Sunday school we used to sing "He's got the whole world in his hands..." and I always imagined that God had to be like humongous to be able to do that. Now I think that this is more a matter of perspective: to us our universe is big, but perhaps to God it is more like a marble or something. Its something that is hard to imagine, but it could very likely be true.

I imagine that most of the posts I do here will be similar to this one.

I also need to come up with a cool way to sign my posts so I can use that instead of just ending them.

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