Sunday, April 15, 2012

Quick Update

Here's a quick update on what I've been up to these last few months.

I started taking seminary courses this semester with Hermeneutics and Old Testament Prophets. I've also been working full-time for the majority of the year so far. So between these two I have had very little time to think or write. Things are calming down though so I should be back to posting here with some regularity pretty soon. 

I am planning on moving to Dallas in August in order to complete seminary. I'm pretty excited about this and looking forward to it. 

Between now and then I am taking one summer course. Planning on starting to study biblical Greek for the purposes of deciding whether or not I want to move into the ThM program (this would be a 4-year program and I am in a 2-year program now). And play around with all the features of Joomla! and integrate into my site. 

So that's it for now Internet land. If you're curious I'm planing on writing about a quote I came across from Olivia Wilde. I thought it was pretty insightful personally.