Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mormonism Part 2

The second video in my Mormonism series. The subject of this one is the beliefs of Mormons. Mormons claim to be Christians, but Christians do not accept Mormons as Christians. Being a Christian I have commented on some of my objections to their beliefs and why I believe some of them to be unbiblical.

The next one is going to be on family and will also address polygamy more in depth. I just mention it briefly at the end of this video.

Here is the link:


For those of you who like to have notes I actually did this video off notes that I had made. So here they are: 

Believe that the church is a restoration of original church that was established by Jesus when he lived on the earth.
Believe that they lived with God prior to coming to earth.
                Objection – Genesis 1
Believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are separate beings.
                Apparently do not believe in the Trinity; they are not also one being
                                Father, Son, Holy Spirit are separate but still one in the Trinity
Believe that Jesus is the savior of the world, the promised messiah.
Believe that Jesus created the world under direction from his Father, from whom he inherited his powers of godhood and divinity.
                Jesus was created also?
Born of the Virgin Mary from whom he inherited mortality, thus becoming both fully God and fully man.
Believe that Jesus suffered for our sins in the garden of Gethsemane and on the cross.
                Objection - Gethsemane was not part of the suffering for sins
                Sacrificed his atoning blood for all humanity.
Believe that he was bodily resurrected after 3 days in the tomb and visited with his disciples.
Belief in Jesus Christ as lord and savior is the beginning of what is known as the first principles and ordinances of the gospel.
                Faith in the lord Jesus Christ.
                Baptism by immersion for sins
                Laying on of hands for gift of Holy Ghost, which constitutes confirmation into the church
Objection – no one can impart the Holy Ghost (Spirit). Spirit comes from God and being able to impart it to others seems to imply manipulation of God.
Believes that Jesus commands obedience to these ordinances, but it is only by his mercy and grace that they can overcome this life and live with him in eternity.
Believe that the Bible is God’s word to his children here on earth.
                Believe that the Book of Mormon is God’s word as well.
                                Objection – adding to the word of God. 1 Corinthians 4:6
                Both are used in church teachings.
Believe that in order to hold the priesthood (divine authority to act in God’s name) a man must be called of God by prophecy.
                Must be ordained by the laying on of hands by those who have authority from God
Divine revelation for the direction of the entire church comes from God to the president of the church, who is regarded by LDS as a prophet.
Individuals can receive divine revelation.
                Overcoming problems.
                Parents for raising children.
Most important belief expressed by: “men are that they might have joy”
                Happiness, or joy, is the object of our existence
                                Not necessarily wrong, but how are we to achieve happiness?
Bible teaches that all people are the offspring of God and lived with him in a pre-mortal existence.
                Objection – Genesis 1
                Come to earth to receive their physical bodies
                Gain experience
                Prove worthy to return to live with him in heaven
Bible says we are saved by grace, why do we need to prove worthy if we were not able to do so in the first place?
Through Jesus’ resurrection all will be resurrected
                Where do they go after being resurrected?
Through his atonement all may partake of his love, mercy, and forgiveness.
Family unity in this life and the potential for eternal family relationships are at the core of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
                What about serving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength?
Doesn’t Matthew 22:30 speak against family relationships in the sense that seems to be implied by this belief?
Marriages performed in LDS temples to dissolve with death, but may continue through eternity if the couple lived their lives worthy of that blessing.
Teaches and follows savior’s law of strict morality
                Obedience to law
                Chastity outside of marriage
                Fidelity within marriage
                                Not wrong, but why is strict morality emphasized?
Word of wisdom
                Revealed to Joseph Smith
                Health code
                Emphasizes the positive benefits of wise eating habits and physical fitness
Cautions against tobacco, alcohol, tea, and coffee
Opposes use of illegal drug and abuse of any substance
Practice tithing to finance God’s work
Beliefs come from Jesus
                Doesn’t seem like it. See objections above.
Polygamy outlawed over 100 years ago.
                For more see:
                I will address this more in the next video also

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