Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Life Interrupted By Life

This last week you could say that my life was very much interrupted. Last Wednesday (May 11) I got word that my grandmother had passed away, and while it wasn't totally unexpected news to me it did come sooner than I had expected it to. I had been enjoying a much needed mini-vacation from all the work I had been doing earlier this year and this news changed the non-plans I had quite quickly. Instead of me sitting back and enjoying my time off and catching up on some video projects for church that had been pushed to the back burner I was forced to make a 20+ hour drive up to Pennsylvania with my brother and spend my days running around helping complete everything that was necessary for the funeral. 

Now it would be very easy for me to be quite angry and upset at all this because my plans had been interrupted and I was forced to put in much more work than I had been planning to this past weekend, but I'm not. I'm glad that my life was interrupted like this because it forced me to reevaluate the direction that my life is headed and the some of the choices that I am making in heading that direction. My life being interrupted was a very good thing in this case.

Monday, May 2, 2011


I've been reading Psalm 119 over the past few days (it's so long it warrants a two day reading in my opinion) and it occurred to me that the psalmist is quite joyed at the fact that God had given rules for him to obey; he is excited that there are rules! His attitude seemed very strange to me at first because I myself do not get excited about following rules usually; I certainly follow them, but I don't think to myself, "Woohoo! I get to follow rules! Yeah!" As I thought about it some though I realized that this should be my attitude.